[IT-Security-1] IPSec


Notes from RWTH Aachen University course 
“IT security 1” Wintersemester 2019/20
professor: Meyer, Ulrike Michaela

  • IPSec: IP security

  • 網路架構

    • Application (e.g. SNMP, HTTP, FTP)
    • Presentation (e.g. encryption, ASCII, PNG, MIDI)
    • Session (e.g. Syn/Ack)
    • Transport (e.g. TCP, UDP, port numbers)
    • Network (e.g. IP, routers)
    • Data Link (e.g. MAC, switches)
    • Physical (e.g. cable, RJ45)

  • 可以用additional headers的方式被加到IPv4, IPv6的能力

  • 包含authentication, confidentiality(保密) 和 key management

  • IPsec在transport layer以上是對應用程式透明

  • 應用:

    • 公司內部LANs的連線 over 公開的WAN
    • 各host
    • 各router
  • | IP Header | Payload |
    | IP Header | IPsec Header | Protected Payload |

  • IPsec支援兩種mode

    • transport mode | | | | |
    • tunnel mode \(|\ \ \ \ |\)
    • security protocols AH and ESP 兩者mode皆可用

  • transport mode:

    • 一個新header或一個header+trailer會加在IP header跟payload中間
    • Protected IP Packet包含original IP header
  • Tunnel Mode:

    • 在Original IP packet前(後)加header(trailer)
    • 新的outer IP header在Protected IP packet前
  • AH(Authentication Header protocol)

    • 用來授權從source host到destination host的封包
    • 用IP header保障integrity
    • 防止replay
    • 用MAC
    • 加在transport mode/ tunnel mode的新header
  • AH 的位置

  • ESP Protocol(Encapsulated Security Payload)

    • 提供 packet-level source 授權、integrity、replay保護、保密
    • 加上header, trailer, MAC
    • 加密payload
  • NULL Encryption

    • do nothing
    • test_case = 1
      data = 0x123456789abcdef
      data_len = 8
      NULL_data = 0x123456789abcdef
  • ESP in two modes

  • ESP v.s. AH

payload confidentiality
outer IP header 的integrity
Inner IP header 的integrity
Payload integrity
Replay protection (用sequence number)
Data source authentication
  • Security Associations (SAs)
    • IPsec保障的單方面通訊
    • 每個SA都有
      • Security Parameter Index (SPI) 在AH or ESP header中,用來保護package
      • Security Protocol Identifier 說明是AH或 ESP protocol
    • 參數:
      • Sequence Number Counter
      • Sequence Counter Overflow
      • Anti-Replay Window
      • AH Information
      • ESP Information
      • Lifetime of this SA
      • IPsec Protocol Mode
      • Path MTU(maximum transmission unit)
  • SA selectors
    • 在SAD(SA-database)中定義各selector
    • 包含
      • 來源IP
      • 目的IP
      • 來源目的port
      • 通訊協定
    • 一個Data來
      • 若在SAD中找不到selector,則跳過IPsec的步驟
      • 若有selector則找對應的SA,選擇對應的AH/ESP
      • 若沒有對應的SA,則用 Internet Key Exchange Protocol(IKE) 跟某個SA協調

  • ISAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol)
    • 定義 key exchange 授權的 message format
    • 支援peers之間的SA協調
    • 兩個phase:
      • Phase 1 協調一對SA以保護phase 2的ISAKMP
      • Phase 2 保護協調SA以用在其他協定(AH/ESP)
    • 為何兩個phase
      • 相同的phase 1可以用在不同的phase 2
      • 相同的安全通道可以有不同的SA
      • Key refreshment可以只在phase 2執行
    • Phase 1
Aggressive modeMain mode
支援 authentication 和 session key establishment
3 messages6 messages
額外保護endpoint identifiers
跟DoS protection有問題
      • Pre-shared Key, main mode
      • Signatures, main mode
    • Dos (Denial of Service) protection with cookies
      • header有cookies用來提供Dos protection
      • Dos(Denial of Service)是因為資源耗盡
      • header中的cookie確保responder是無狀態的,直到initiator傳送兩個訊息
        • responder的狀態會被存在無法忘記的cookie中,並傳給initiator
        • initiator回答後,cookie會被再次生成,跟上個initiator回傳的cookie做比較
        • 成本是兩個增加的messages
      • Signatures, aggressive mode
        • Main mode都是先用key exchange的方式建立公鑰私鑰,再傳遞加密後的ID,signature等
        • Signatures, Aggressive Mode是把key exchange所需的資料與ID一起傳遞,再生成公鑰私鑰,傳遞signature
        • Signature必須在responder’s cookie前生成,可能有DoS攻擊

    • Phase 2
      • Quick mode
  • Typical Anti-DoS Cookie

    • Typical protocol:
      1. Client 送 request Message #1
      2. Server建立連線,回傳 Message #2
      3. Client 結束或建立DoS攻擊
    • Cookie version:
      1. Client 送 request
      2. Server 送 Hash 後的 connection data ,只有server有 key
      3. Client 確認後回傳 Hash 資料
      4. 傳送延後的 Message #2
  • IKEv2和IKEv1比較

較少phase 1 exchanges的選擇
在IKE exchange (phase1)時IPsec的一對SA已建立
chile SA建立
  • IKE v2 Exchange

General reading on IPsec and IKEv1
    Kaufmann Chapter 18
For IKE v2:
    RFC 7296 
    RFC 2410: The NULL Encryption Algorithm and Its Use With IPsec 
Additional reading on attacks published sofar
    Degabriele et al.: Attacking the IPsec standards in encryption-only configurations. 2007     Degabriele et al.: On the (In)Security of IPsec in MAC-then-encrypt configurations, 2010     Cremers, C.: Key Exchange in IPsec revisited: Formal Analysis of IKEv1 and IKEv2, 2010
    Felsch et al: The Dangers of Key Reuse: Practical Attacks on IPsec IKE , 2018

