[Mobile Internet Technology] Medium Access Control

 Medium Access Control

Notes from RWTH Aachen University course 
“Mobile Internet Technology” Summer semester 2020
professor: Drik Thißen

Medium Access Control

  • Controlling when to receive and send data
  • idle listening wastes energy
  • Multiplexing
    • Inflexible
    • cannot support bursty traffic

Medium Access Control:
Suitable for wireless data networks


  • Ethernet MAC: CSMA/CD

    • Carrier sense multiple access / collisions detection
  • MAC in wireless
    • Contention-based access
      • No central coordination
    • Carrier sense:
      • listen to wire before transmission
      • avoid collision with active transmission
    • Collision detection:
      • listen while transmitting
    • In wireless:
      • signal strength decreases with distance
      • A transmission is not necessarily received by all hosts

Hidden station

  • senders cannot detect each other
  • CS fails (C sends to B), then CD fails (A cannot hear the collision)
  • collision at receiver
  • A is hidden for C
    C is hidden for A

Exposed station

  • B \(\rightarrow\) A, C\(\xrightarrow[]{\text{wants}}\) D
  • CS signals the medium is used (but the other medium isn’t) \(\rightarrow\) C has to wait
  • C’s waiting is not necessary
  • C is exposed to B

  • Medium Access in wireless is difficult because
    • Interference situation at receiver
    • Impossible to send and receive at the same time


  • high throughput, low overhead, low error-rate
  • energy-efficiency

Energy problems

  • Collisions
  • Overhearing
    • receiving a packet to another node
  • Idle listening
  • protocol overhead

Centralized Medium Access

  • Central station
  • Advantages:
    • Simple, efficient
    • TDMA: voice network
    • Polling: small number of devices e.g. Bluetooth
  • Disadvantages:
    • Burdens the central station
    • produces overhead and delays
    • Not feasible for non-trivial network sizes

Schedule based MAC

  • A schedule exists \(\Rightarrow\) time synchronization needed
  • collisions, overhearing, idle listening no issues

Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA)

  • Reservation can increase efficiency \(\Rightarrow\) but higher delays
  • Example for reservation algorithms:
    • Explicit reservation: Reservation Aloha
    • Implicit reservation: PRMA
    • Reservation-TDMA

Explicit reservation

  • Aloha mode: competition, collisions possible
    reservation mode: no collisions possible
  • All stations have to keep a list \(\Rightarrow\) Synchronization

Implicit reservation - Packet Reservation MA (PRMA)

  • slots form a frame
  • frame repeated
  • stations compete for empty slots
    • the station can use the following frame
  • a slot of frame is empty \(\Rightarrow\) competition

Reservation Time-division MA (TDMA)

  • \(N\) mini-slots
    \(x\) data-slots
  • \(x=N\cdot k\)
    reserve up to \(k\) data-slots
  • use mini-slots for reservation
  • unused data-slots: Round-robin for other stations

IEEE 802.15.4

  • Goal: low-to-medium bit rates, moderate delays without too stringent(嚴格) guarantee requirements, low energy consumption
  • Beacon mode:
    • Star network: devices are associated with coordinators
    • coordinator sends beacon for synchronization/network identification
    • active phase (16 slots) + inactive phase (power saving)
    • active phase = CAP + CFP (GTS+GTS)
      • CAP: contention access period
      • CFP: contention free period
      • GTS: guarenteed time slots

Contention based MAC

  • handle collisions
  • Hope: coordination overhead can be saved
  • randomization used
  • Goal:
    How to detect collisions?
  • How to recover from collisions?
  • e.g.
    • CSMA/CD
    • ALOHA/ Slotted ALOHA


  • No central station
  • Receiver sends ACK
  • Detecting collisions for timing out ACK
  • recover: retransmitting
  • Pure Aloha:
    • no coordination
    • no common packet length
    • risk of collisions
      \(\Rightarrow\) small overlaps destroy both packets

  • Slotted Aloha:
    • Fixed packet length
    • If collision, retransmit with probability \(p\), until successful

Collision avoidance by “Carrier Extension”

  • Receiver informs potential interferer
    • during an ongoing transmission  \(\Rightarrow\) Waste of bandwidth
    • before a transmission \(\Rightarrow\) can use the same channel
  • busy tone on signaling channel

Busy Tone Protocol

  • Busy tone multiple access (BTMA)
    • Each receiving station sends busy tone
    • all stations around the sender will wait
    • many exposed station
  • Receiver Initiated-BTMA (RI-BTMA)
    • only receiver sends busy tone
    • few exposed station
  • Wireless Collision Detect (WCD)
    • BTMA (all stations: "collision detect") 
    • after decoding receiver address  
    • then RI-BTMA (receiver: "feedback", others: stop "collision detect")

Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (MACA)

  • Use
    • RTS (request to send)
      • sender
    • CTS (clear to send)
      • receiver
  • optional mechanism within CSMA/CA
  • Problem: Idle listening
    • sleeping will break the protocol (listening RTS/CTS)
    • IEEE 802.11 Solution: sleeping and synchronized wake-up
      • stations buffer data
      • send at pre-arranged points in time

