[IT-Security-2] 惡意軟體 Malware
Notes from RWTH Aachen University course
“IT security 2” Wintersemester 2019/20
professor: Meyer, Ulrike Michaela
What is malware?
- Malware = Malicious Software
“A program that is inserted into a system, usually covertly(偷偷的), with the intent of compromising the confidentiality, integrity or availability of the victim’s data, applications, or operating system or otherwise annoying or disrupting the victim”不包含巧合
Motivation to write malware
- 實驗、測試、取得名聲
- 對抗官方、犯罪、對抗防毒軟體
- 直接金錢利益(販賣商品)、間接金錢利益(取得別人商業機密)
Classic classification
Trojan horse
- 範例:攻擊者儲存一個指令叫
但covert目的是攻擊者存取的shell script內容 傳播:使用者通常是inadvertently(不經意) 的安裝
例如:防毒軟體、source repositories、第三方套件、A片縮圖Ken Thompson’s C Compiler Hack
- 編寫self-reproducing(自我繁殖)程式片段
- 修改compiler
有此backdoor後所有的login都可接受實際密碼或fixed master password - 再修改compiler,如果之後要compile新的compiler則植入backdoor
- 刪掉修改過的版本,替換成原本的compiler的code
檢查Open source code還是無法解決Trojan
定義:Software fragment 附在 executable 上,Virus 可以自我複製或傳遞給沒有被感染過的 executable
若程式執行才開始執行 Virus (程式停止即停止)
必須有人執行最一開始的 virus如何傳播:
感染:modifying file
modifying file:植入 virus code
exchange infected programs/files也會造成其他裝置感染(ex. USB)Viruses是不是Trojen?
Overt: 感染程式執行 Covert: 病毒行為
Overt: 病毒行為 Covert: 無
Parts of a Virus:
- Infection mechanism (infection vector) 可以繁殖
- Trigger 一個事件或狀態決定payload是否activated或delivered
- Payload Virus的行為,破壞或是良性提醒
Typical Phases in the Lifetime of a Virus:
- Dormant(休眠) phase
- Propagation phase 複製自己,或是植入突變(mutation)
- Triggering (activating) phase 被trigger(數量或時間到了)
- Execution phase 執行function(payload)
Types of viruses by target:
- Boot sector infector
- File infector / Executable infector
- Executable infector: 增加executable的長度
- 容易偵測
- 有更精巧的方式藏virus(複寫、壓縮)
- Macro virus (較大的程式(Macro)或scripting code = application)
- Macro: 被寫在scripting language中跟application一起被生成
- Macro virus: 被application識別(ex. word, excel)
- platform independent
- 隨檔案被傳輸,virus擴散
- Multipartite virus (多種方式感染file:感染不同type的file)
Classification by Concealment Strategy:
- Encrypted virus
- 除了解密程式之外其他都被加密(還有解密的key)
- 偵測不易
- Polymorphic(多態的) Viruses
- insert到不同的program時變成不同的virus,但功能相同
- 預防signature detection
- 加密virus body用不同的key
檢查code: Polymorphic viruses 常用 decryption loops
模擬CPU執行很多次(因為decrypt多次),直到opcode符合已知的virus body- Metamorphic(變質) Viruses
- 變異virus body本身
- Virus自帶原本source code且重編譯自身
- 通常是 macro 或 script virus (macros/scripts通常是被 interpreted 而不是 compiled)
Obfuscation and Anti-Debugging
目的:避免被分析code或被signature detection檢查出virus
- 插入garbage opcodes
- 不同的code執行相同的功能
- packed binaries
- 偵測debugger及virtual machine,終止執行
- 相同code,不同register名/不同subroutine order(n 個subroutines, n! 個變異)
- 用instructions解密instructions
- Zperm變異: 用jump變更code順序
- Zmist (code integration): virus聚集成一個instruction flow,再用jump隨機到program的位址執行
- 利用軟體漏洞(software vunerabilities)傳播
定義:a program actively(積極的) seeks machine to infect
- 被感染的machine被用來作automated launching pad,再感染別人
- 用軟體漏洞取得授權
- 經網路、shared media(USB,DVD…)
- email: 自動傳送worm email,若點開email或附件則執行code
- file sharing: 生成copy file,用USB等傳輸
- remote execution: 若有網路漏洞
- remote file access/transfer
Phases in the Lifetime: (跟virus比較)
- 跟virus相同:dormant, propagation(尋找適合感染的裝置), triggering, execution
Target Discovery(尋找目標):
- Scanning: 若worm在遠端網路被傳播,則此系統被認為是在vulnerable service中
- address(地址) scanning stragegies:
- random: 產生random IP address,容易被偵測因為大量traffic產生
- Hit-list: compile list of candidate targets且感染,提供感染的machine此list
- Topological: 用其他machine的information
- Local subnet: host behind a firewall 試著感染同個subnet的host
- WannaCry2.0 (2017)
- 利用Windows版本的漏洞
- WannaCry解密 (2017)
- 產生RSA公鑰/私鑰
- 將私鑰傳給control server後刪掉
- 但沒有刪除 Prime numbers
- 若電腦沒有被 rebooted 則可用 prime numbers 由 public key 復原 private key
Malware classification by payload
System Corruption:
- Data Destruction: 刪除data
- Ransomware: 要求贖金
- Physical-World Damage: 改寫BOIS使電腦無法開機
- Logic Bomb: 觸發惡意功能
Information Theft:
- Keyloggers and spyware(取得key、螢幕截圖、麥克風、鏡頭)
- Phishing and identity theft(Phishing或SPAM)
- Reconnaissance(偵查), Espionage(間諜) and data exfiltration(滲出)(取得機密資訊)
Stealthing – Backdoors and Rootkits:
- Backdoor: secret entry point
- Rootkits: 偷偷被安裝在系統中的program,有root權限
- 定義: 主要性質 Stealthiness(隱蔽性)
- 偷取密碼或字典攻擊
- 用buffer overflow攻擊vulnerable的program取得root權限
- 下載rootkits並安裝
- Persistent: 系統執行時就啟動(在registry或file system中)
- Memory based: reboot後會消失
- User mode: Intercepts(攔截) API calls且修改return值
- Kernel mode: 攔截API
- Virtual machine based: 安裝VM monitor
- Advanced Persistent Threat (APT): Sophisticated malware directed at specific business or political targets applied persistently and effectively(被企業或政府主導的長期malware)
- Attack kit: Set of tools for generating malware, including propagation and payload mechanisms(生成malware的工具)
- Auto-rooter: Malicious hacking tool used to remotely break into machines(遠端駭客軟體)
- Flooder (DoS engine): Generates large volume of data, e.g. to carry out denial of service attack(大量資料攻擊)
- Key logger: Captures keystrokes on the infected system(取得鑰匙圈)
- Trojan horse: Appears to be useful but also has a secondary malicious purpose (有第二目的)
- Bot (Zombie): Activated on an infected machine to gain remote control to launch attacks on other machines (在感染的機器上行動取得遠端控制,再影響其他機器)
Charles and Shari Pfleeger, Jonathan Marguites: Security in Computing, 2014
§ Chapter 3.2: Malicious code
Stallings and Brown: Computer Security, 2015
§ Chapter 6 on malicious software
Matt Bishop: Introduction to Computer Security, 2004
§ Chapter 19: Malicious Logic
Further Reading
Jon Erickson: Hacking – The art of Exploitation, 2007
§ Chapter 3: Exploitation
Exploit data bases
§ bugtraq
§ Ken Thompson: Reflections on Trusting Trust, 1984
§ Peter Capek et al: Marry Christmas – An Early Network Worm, 2003
§ Felix Leder, Tillmann Werner: Know Your Enemy: Containing Conficker – To Tame a Malware, 2009
§ P. Porras et al: An analysis of conficker’s logic and rendezvous protocol, 2009