[IT-Security-2] 入侵偵測 Intrusion Detection
Intrusion Detection
Notes from RWTH Aachen University course
“IT security 2” Wintersemester 2019/20
professor: Meyer, Ulrike Michaela
Typical attack methodology
- 取得資訊
- 取得權限
- 權限提升
- 取得系統資訊
- 維持權限
- 掩蓋蹤跡
What is Intrusion Detection
- Security Intrusion
- 一個安全事件,未經過authorization,取得或嘗試取得access to a system(or resource)
- Intrusion Detection
- 一安全服務,監視系統事件以real-time通知入侵行為
Components of a Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
- Sensors 紀錄行為、蒐集資料
- Analyzers 根據資料分析、決定
- User Interface 輸出結果
Detection rate
- 因為intruder和authorized user行為有overlap,detection有可能偵測錯誤
- \(\text{Detection rate = Recall = }\frac{TP}{TP+FN}\)
\(TP=\text{True Positive (攻擊導致alarm)}\)
\(FN=\text{False Negative (攻擊沒有導致alarm)}\)
越大越好 - \(\text{False alarm rate = False Positive rate = }\frac{FP}{FP+TN}\)
Base Rate Fallacy
- 難以達到detection rate越大、false alarm rate越小
- 因為攻擊機率低,若有alarm,則低機率是attack
- Bayes Theorem
\[Pr(A|B)=\frac{Pr(A\cap B)}{Pr(B)}\]\[Pr(B|A)=\frac{Pr(A|B)P(B)}{Pr(A)}\]
IDS Approaches
- Anomaly Detection
- 蒐集資料
- 建立model
- 檢查與model不符的行為
false alarm rates可能很高
- 方法
- Statistical univariate, multivariate, time-series
- Knowledge-based expert system 提供的 rules
- Machine-learning Bayesian networks, Markov models, fuzzy logic, clustering…
- Signature or Heuristic detection (Misuse Detection)
- 惡意的data pattern(signatures)
- Signature越大越能減少false alarm rate
- low cost
- attack rules(heuristics)
- 利用 rules 辨別可疑行為 (針對各OS, machine)
- 經過分析
- eg. SNORT 是rule-based IDS
- rules:
- buffer overflow (eg.
program產生特定的arguments) - SYN flooding (eg. 有很多SYN packets但沒有ACK)
- buffer overflow (eg.
- 只能檢查已知的attack
- 惡意的data pattern(signatures)
- Extracting Misuse Signatures
- attack不變的特徵
- Honeypots
- Host-based IDS (HIDS)
- 在特定的host觀察
- 只提供local view
- 只有在被攻擊時能偵測
- 可觀察的資料:
- System call
- 看誰呼叫system call
- 但Windows的DLL使用會隱藏誰呼叫
- Audit recored(log files)
- 攻擊者也可能修改log file或不紀錄
- File integrity checksums
- 用MAC計算checksums
- Registry access
- 檢查registry
- System call
- Network-based IDS (NIDS)
- network中選定的一群節點
- 通常包含如firewall
- 越少節點能包含完整網路越好
- Sensor
- Inline sensor: traffic必須通過
- Passive sensor: 複製traffic
- Sensor Placement
- with external firewall
- with internal firewall
- internal
- Anomaly detection
- DoS
- scanning attack
- worm
- bot
- Misuse-based detection
- application layer attack (DHCP, DNS, FTP, IMAP…)
- Transport layer attack (SYN floods)
- Network layer (IPv4, IPv6…)
- host running SMTP server
- Distributed IDS
- 溝通並交換資訊
- Intrusion Detection Exchange Protocol (IDXP)
- 如何交換資訊的protocol
Highly configurable host-based/network-based IDS
packet/ protocol/ content
based on rules
inline/ passive
- Decoder 識別並隔離(isolate)封包 (各layer的header)
- Detection Engine 根據rules分析,找第一個對應的rule
- Logger 儲存packet
- Alerter 通知file/ UNIX socket/ database
- simple, flexible rule definition language
- 有header, option
Header description example Action what to do alert/ log/ pass/ drop/ reject Protocol TCP/ UDP/ ICMP/ IP Source IP address Source port Direction unidirectional/ bidirectional Destination IP address and port Options keyword arguments - Categories of rule options
- Metadata
- Payload
- Non-payload
- Post-detection
Snort 有 remote buffer overflow 的漏洞
會執行 remote code
Attacking and Evading NIDS
- Overload NIDS
- 用大量資料overload,以入侵NIDS
- Solution: watchdog timer
- Encrypt
- split packets
- 偵測困難
- scanning (可能split封包)
- recording (可能reorder封包)
- fully reassembly of TCP state (用TCP tricks)
- 都不夠
Stallings and Brown: Computer Security, 2015
§Chapter 8: Intrusion Detection Systems
Matt Bishop: Introduction to Computer Security, 2004
§Chapter 22: Intrusion Detection