[Mobile Internet Technology] From GSM to 5G

  From GSM to 5G

Notes from RWTH Aachen University course 
“Mobile Internet Technology” Summer semester 2020
professor: Drik Thißen

From GSM to 5G

Wireless Telephony

Network evolution

  • 1G

    • in germany
    • A-Netz
      • Analog
      • No handover
    • B-Netz
      • using a region dialing code
    • C-Netz
      • no more region dialing code
  • 2G

    • Digital
    • GSM
  • 3G

    • integration of voice and data
  • 4G

    • high speed data network
  • 5G

    • planned for 2020


  • \(2^{nd}\) to \(5^{th}\) generation networks
  • well-proved mobility and security
  • why use this instead of Wi-Fi communities?
    • mobility and security

Wi-Fi: bandwidth and cost are tempting (誘人的)

  • GSM: Global System for Mobile Communications
    • Access control by chip-cards
    • larger regions
  • Characteristics
    • Communication:
      • Total Mobility: chip-cards enables to use base stations of different providers
      • Worldwide Connectivity: only one number, network handles localization
    • High capacity: frequency efficiency
    • High transmission quality
    • Security functions
  • Services:
    • Bearer services:
      • Basic telecommunication services for data transfer
      • OSI layers 1-3
      • signal channels for connection control
    • Telematic Service
      • Voice communication
      • non-voice communication: fax, voice mailbox, SMS
    • Supplementary Service
      • Value-added services, e.g. forwarding of caller number, conferencing, automatic callback
  • Cell concept:
    • Cluster: Set of cells
    • More cells per cluster:
      • less channels per cell \(\Rightarrow\) low capacity
      • less co-channel interference (co-channel cells have larger distance)
    • less cells per cluster:
      • more channels per cell \(\Rightarrow\) higher capacity
      • higher co-channel interference

    Cell planing: maximize capacity and minimize interferences

  • Architecture

    • Mobile Station (MS)
    • Base Stations
      • Base Transceiver Station (BTS)
      • Base Station Controller (BSC)
    • Mobile Switching Centers (MSC)
    • Location Registers
      • Home Location Register (HLR)
      • Visitor Location Register (VLR)
    • Different subsystem:
      • Radio Subsystem (RSS)
      • Network and Switching Subsystem (NSS)
      • Operation Subsystem (OSS)
    • Hierarchically Structured

Radio Subsystem

  • \[\text{Radio Subsystem = BSS + MS}\]

  • Cellular network up to the switching centers

  • \[\text{BSS = BSC + sum (BTS) + interconnection}\]

    The complexity of BTS is lowered by this seperation

    \(\text{BSS}:\) Base Station Subsystem

    • transmitter / receiver / antanna
    • A BTS serves one or more cells


    • performs switching between BTSs and controls BTSs
    • Manage the network resources
  • \(\text{MS}:\) Mobile Stations

    • Terminal of the use of GSM services
    • functional groups:
      • Mobile Terminal (MT)
        • offers common functions
        • end-point of the radio interface
      • Terminal Adapter (TA)
        • terminal adaption
      • Terminal Equipment (TE)
        • devices
      • Subscriber Identity Module (SIM)
        • personalization
  • Paging: to find destination of a call

    • by broadcasting

Network and Switching Subsystem

  • Interconnection of BSSs and with other networks
    • switching
    • mobility management
    • system control
  • \(\text{MSC}:\) Mobile Service Switching Center
    • Path choice
    • signaling
    • paging
    • generation and forwarding of accounting and billing information
    • processing of service features
    • administration of and access to radio resources
    • additional functions for location registration and handover
    • certain gateway to other fixed or mobile telephony networks (Gateway-MSC (GMSC))
  • MSC supported by database "hierarchy"
    • \(\text{HLR:}\) Home Location Register

      • Center master database containing all user data
        • phone number
        • access rights
        • subscribed services
        • current location

      \(\Rightarrow\) now distributed

      • Centralized location management
        • only current location is stored
        • associated with MSC
      • MSCs use HLR to get information
    • \(\text{VLR:}\) Visitor Location Register

      • Local database of a MSC
      • Fast access to user data
      • Location updates forwarded to the HLR
    • Example: connection establishment

      1. caller \(\rightarrow\) gateway-MSC
      2. gateway-MSC \(\rightarrow\) HLR
      3. HLR \(\xrightarrow[]{\text{target MSC}}\) gateway-MSC
      4. gateway-MSC \(\rightarrow\) target MSC
      5. target MSC \(\rightarrow\) VLR
      6. VLR \(\xrightarrow[]{\text{position}}\) MSC
      7. MSC \(\xrightarrow[]{\text{paging}}\) BSS \(\xrightarrow[]{\text{paging}}\) MS


  • automated change of responsible BTS
  • process
    1. Measurements by MS
      • reports frequently sent to BTS
    2. Initiation of handover by responsible BSC
      • selection of new channel with the new BTS
    3. Switching to new BTS

Operation Subsystem

  • performs some central tasks for provision and maintenance of the whole GSM network
    • \(\text{AUC:}\) Authentication Center
      • creates on demand of a VLR the access right parameters for a subscriber
      • security and protection
    • \(\text{EIR:}\) Equipment Idnetity Register
      • Registers serial numbers of mobile stations
      • Devices which are registered in the AUC can be locked and maybe located if stolen
      • Not mandatory in GSM
    • \(\text{OMC:}\) Operation and Maintenance Center
      • maintenance of all other GSM architecture parts

GSM Protocol

  • Frequency Multiplexing (FDMA/FDD)
  • Time Multiplexing (TDMA)
    • Burst
      • guard time
      • Tail
      • Training: synchronization sequence with well-known bit patterh
      • S (Signaling): what content of payload

Logical Channels

  • Traffic Channel (TCH)
  • Control Channel (CCH)
    • Standalone Dedicated Control Channel (SDCCH)
      • authentication, equipment validation
    • Associated Control Channel (ACCH)
      • synchronization, handover, power control
    • Common Control Channel (CCCH)
      • paging, joining a GSM network
  • Broadcast Channel (BCH)
    • for BTS
    • to inform all stations in a cell
  • Large number of logical channel \(\Rightarrow\) complex frame hierarchy, all information is repeated
  • Use of Logical Channel
    1. RACH \(\xrightarrow[]{\text{ask for TCH}}\) base station
    2. base station \(\xrightarrow[]{\text{gives}}\) AGCH, SDCCH
    3. SDCCH: connection establishment
    4. SACCH, TCH \(\rightarrow\) SDCCH is terminated
    5. MS moves to other cell, SACCH \(\rightarrow\) FACCH \(\rightarrow\) new SACCH, TCH

GSM interim solutions (2.5G)

  • HSCSD (High-speed Circuit Switched Data)

    • Software solutions
    • Use several time slots for transmission
    • Advantages:
      • fast avalibility
      • continuous quality
      • simple
    • Disadvantages:
      • connection-oriented
  • GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)

    • hardware solutions
    • Packet-oriented
    • Advantages:
      • flexible
      • no connection-oriented
    • Disadvantages:
      • expensive
      • restricted bandwidth \(\rightarrow\) bottleneck
    • Needed infrastructure: GSN (GPRS supported network)
    • dynamic choice of coding (based on quality)
    • unused traffic channel \(\rightarrow\) GPRS channel
    • Error handling: BSS checks the correctness \(\rightarrow\) or initiates a re-transmission
  • EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution)

    • GMSK \(\Rightarrow\) 8-PSK
    • hardware update: BTS/MS
      software update: BSC
    • Hybrid ARQ:
      • receiver keeps damaged packets
      • sender includes other check bits
      • receiver combines these two
    • Evolved EDGE
      • 16-QAM / 32-QAM
      • turbo codes
      • two antannas



  • International Mobile Telecommunications


  • Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

  • Enhancement of GSM

  • based on UTRA (Universal Terrestrial Radio Access)

    • Integration of different mobile, cordless and pager system into one radio access network
  • Architecture (Release 99)

    • UE (User Equipment)
    • UTRAN (UTRA Network)
      • Cell level mobility
      • comprises several Radio Network Subsystems (RNS)
        • cells \(\rightarrow\) Node B \(\rightarrow\) RNC

    • CN (Core Network)
      • Circuit Switched Domain (CSD): GSM
      • Packet Switched Domain (PSD): GPRS
      • UMTS adds new radio access
        • lower cost, faster deployment
        • less flexible

  • Spreading and Scrambling of User Data

    • Separation of different transmissions

    • OVSF (Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor)
      • simple generation of orthogonal chip sequences

    • Scrambling: Gold Codes
      • Quasi-orthogonal: less interference
      • Pseudo-random number generation with linear feedback shift registers

    Why spreading and scrambling?
    data stream in different cells
    Too much synchronization overhead to coordinate everything

    • uplink
      • Spreading: generate spreading codes \(\Rightarrow\) robustness
      • Scrambling: assigned scrambling codes by BS
        \(\Rightarrow\) less synchronization
    • downlink
      • Spreading: generate orthogonal codes
        Synchronization no more problem
      • Scrambling: each BS uses its own code, or cells would have to be synchronized
  • Connection Setup

    • slotted ALOHA
    • control channels are multiplexed with data channels in term of scrambling codes
      \(\rightarrow\) avoid high transmit power
      • no response \(\rightarrow\) increase request
      • responsed \(\rightarrow\) assigned spreading / scrambling codes
  • UMTS FDD frame structure

    • slot structure not for user separation but synchronization
  • Cell Breathing

    • UMTS: Cell size \(\Leftrightarrow\) number of devices
      (GSM: no influence)
    • Near-far effect \(\Rightarrow\) Size of CSMA cell varies
    • noise too high, power cannot be increased \(\Rightarrow\) drop out of a cell

  • Macro Diversity

    • receive from multiple base station
    • Multicast
      • Enable soft handover
      • only in FDD mode

  • Handover

    • from and to other systems (e.g. UMTS to GSM)

  • Release 4/5

    • Almost all-IP-based core network for better integration with the network
  • HSDPA (High Speed transmission)

    • Hybrid ARQ
    • Radio frame is shortened
    • Packet scheduling: downlink signal quality
    • Adaptive modulation and coding: QPSK, 16-QAM
    • Channel bundling
      • to a single user
      • Skip a number of fast channels with quality guarantees to install some high-speed channel without guarantees
  • Release 6

    • High Speed Uplink (HSUPA)
    • UMTS/WLAN interworking
    • Security enhancement
  • Release 7

    • HSPA improvement (HSPA+) by MIMO
    • QoS in UMTS/WLAN
    • new frequency ranges
  • Release 8/9

    • as introduction of LTE (Long Term Evolution)
    • LTE improvement
      • larger bandwidth \(\rightarrow\) higher data rate
      • pure packet-switched core network
        • Exception: SMS via signaling channel

LTE network architecture

  • eNode-B: improvement of node B
    • Node-B + RNC
    • wireless transmission + user management + QoS
    • direct connection of eNode-Bs \(\rightarrow\) less interference
  • MME: Mobility Management Entity
    • Signaling between eNode-Bs and core network
    • Authentication, handover
    • Signaling task of SGSN
    • VLR
  • SG: Serving Gateway
    • Forwarding of IP traffic
    • user-data part of SGSN
  • PDN-GW: PDN Gateway
    • Management of IP address
    • connection to “the internet”
    • GGSN
  • HSS: Home Subscriber Server
    • HLR

Packet-based Core Network

  • voice and SMS not compatible with LTE
    • IMS necessary for integrating both into LTE
    • fallback solutions
  • Physical Resource Blocks (PRB)
    • consists of Resource Element (RE)
    • some REs carry reference signals (Pilot)

  • MS quality based on Pilots\(\rightarrow\) MS is assigned PRB \(\rightarrow\) resource allocation plan + data
  • same slot as for downlink, but only in frequency domain \(\rightarrow\) power saving

  • BS schedules the uplink channels

  • 3 different modes:

    • Acknowledged Mode: Hybrid ARQ
    • Unacknowledged Mode no retransmission
    • Transparent Mode for broadcasting
  • Release 10/11

    • Spectrum and carrier aggregation
    • Enhance multi-antenna solutions
      • MIMO + beamforming
    • Heterogeneous network structure (HetNet)
      • large cells + small cells
    • Remote Radio Requirements (RREs) as repeaters
    • coordinating / joining multipoint transmission
  • Release 12/13/14/15

    • 256-QAM, 1024-QAM
    • more antannas
    • higher frequencies
    • Latency reduction


  • Release 15+16
    • massive IoT
    • critical communications: low latency, high reliability and availability
    • Enhance Mobile Broadband
    • Network operations
      • flexible, security
  • Dimensioning of 5G
    • 1000 times higher data volumn
    • 10-100 times more connections
    • 10 times lower power consumption
    • low latency, high reliability
  • Three different scenarios
    • eMBB (enhanced Mobile Bandbroad)
    • mMTC (massive Machine Type Communications)
    • URLLC (Ultra-reliable and Low Latency Communications)
      • different industry
  • more bandwidth needed

New Radio (NR)

  • OFDMA in downlink and uplink

  • massive MIMO and beamforming

  • OFDMA \(\rightarrow\) NOMA (Non-orthogonal Multiple Access)

    • NOMA: differentiate users by power level
  • Architecture

    • Network/RAN Slicing
    • Via
      • SDN: software defined networking
      • NFV: network function visualization

    \(\Rightarrow\) to meet different network requirements, Dynamically configure network


  • Next Generation Radio Access Network
  • Next generation node B: gNB
    • base station in NR
    • Coordinated multi-point connectivity (CoMP)
  • Higher base station density
  • Reduce latency
  • allows for extended cell range by multi-hop connections, establishment of mesh network
  • Network Edge Computation
    • cloud


  • Next Generation Core Network

  • Access Mobility Management Function (AMF)

  • User Plane Function (UPF)

    \(\Rightarrow\) signaling / traffic forwarding

  • Network Slicing by SDN/NFV

