[Quantum Information] Mixed States
Mixed States
“Quantum Information” Summer semester 2020
professor: Wegewijs, Maarten
⭐️⭐️⭐️ The essense of quantum theory is the probability of state purification.
- What states can we prepare on system A together with extra system B in a pure state and completely measuring B projectively but discarding the outcome?
Quantum probability for outcome \(m\) for entangled state
\[p_m=\langle\psi_{AB}|E_{Am}\otimes\mathbb{1}_{AB}|\psi_{AB}\rangle=\text{tr}_AE_{Am}\rho_A\neq\langle\psi_{AB}|E_{Am}|\psi_{AB}\rangle \\ \rho_A=\text{tr}_B|\psi_{AB}\rangle\langle\psi_{AB}|\]projective measurement on \(B\) in complete basis \(\{|b_B\rangle\}\) for \(B\)
\[P_b=\mathbb{1}_{A}\otimes|b_B\rangle\langle b_B|\]🧐 How does a mixed state evolve when system \(A\) evolves unitarily on its own?
- Unitarily evolve only subsystem \(A\)
\[|\psi_{AB}\rangle\mapsto(U_{A}\otimes\mathbb{1}_B)|\psi_{AB}\rangle\] - \[\rho_A\mapsto\text{tr}_B(U_{A}\otimes\mathbb{1}_B)|\psi_{AB}\rangle\langle\psi_{AB}|(U_{A}^\dagger\otimes\mathbb{1}_B)=U_A\rho_A U_A^\dagger\]
- Unitarily evolve only subsystem \(A\)
🧐 How does a mixed state change by a projective measurement on system \(A\) only?
- \[|\psi_{AB}\rangle\mapsto\frac{1}{\sqrt{p_m}}(P_{Am}\otimes\mathbb{1}_B)|\psi_{AB}\rangle\\ p_m=\langle\psi_{AB}|P_{Am}\otimes\mathbb{1}_B|\psi_{AB}\rangle\]
- \[\rho_A\mapsto \frac{1}{p_m}P_{Am}\rho_AP_{Am}\]
Density operator
- Hermicity: \(\rho_A^\dagger=\rho_A\)
- Positivity (implies Hermicity): \(\mathbb{R}\ni\langle\varphi|\rho_A|\varphi\rangle\geq0, \forall\ |\varphi\rangle\)
- Unit trace: \(\text{tr}_A \rho_A=1\)
- 🧐 Are state-vector projections precisely the pure states?
- ⭕️ \(\rho=|\psi\rangle\langle\psi|\) is a pure state.
- \(\rho^2=\rho\)
Which ensembles can we prepare on system A together with extra system B in a pure state and completely measuring B projectively and communicating b to A?
Ensemble of pure state
- commuting measured outcome \(b\) with \(A\)
- \(A\) is given a state from ensemble \(\{p_b,|\psi_{Ab}\rangle\}\)
- \(B\) can prepare different ensemble by performing a different measurement
- If \(B\) doesn’t inform \(A\) which measurement he takes, the marginal state is the same
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Same mixed quantum state of A may have different ensemble preparations by B
⭐️⭐️⭐️ In fact, there are infinitely many ensembles for one non-pure density operator !
they can be non-orthogonal basis.
- 🧐 How are all ensemble decompositions of the same mixed state related ?
- Two basis related by an unitary \(V\)
- \(V^\dagger V=\mathbb{I}\)
Ensemble v.s. Mixed state
- Ensemble: if \(A\) knows \(b\) then the basis in \(B\) does matter
\[\rho_{Ab}=|\psi_{Ab}\rangle\langle\psi_{Ab}|\]- \(A\) is given an unknown state \(|\psi_{Ab}\rangle\) with probability \(p_b\) from known ensemble
- Coherence/purity of \(A\) is maintained by access of complete outcome \(b\) on \(B\)
- Mixed state: if \(A\) doesn’t know \(b\), then basis in \(B\) does not matter
\[\rho_{A}=\sum_bp_b|\psi_{Ab}\rangle\langle\psi_{Ab}|\]- \(A\) is given an unknown state from unknown ensemble
- Decoherence of \(A\) by entanglement with inaccessible/discarded system \(B\)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Decoherence = Loss of purity ~ entanglement + inaccessible information
🧐 Can a given mixed state \(\rho_A\) of some system \(A\) be prepared from some entangled bipartite state \(|\psi_{AB}\rangle\) by discarding some system \(B\)?
- ⭕️ If you pick a sufficient large system \(B\)
🧐 Can a given mixed state \(\rho_A\) of some system \(A\) be prepared from some entangled bipartite state \(|\psi_{AB}\rangle\) by discarding a fixed system \(B\)?
- ⭕️ If you have a same Hilbert space size \(B\) as system \(A\) (or larget). \[\text{dim }\mathcal{H}_A=\text{dim }\mathcal{H}_B\]
- A canonical purified state \(|\psi_{AB}\rangle\) can be constructed directly from \[|\psi_{AB}\rangle=\sum_k\sqrt{\lambda_k}|k_A\rangle|k_B\rangle\]
where \(\rho_A=\sum_k\lambda_k|k_A\rangle\langle k_A|\) and choose \(\{|k_B\rangle\}\) for system \(B\) - \(\{|k_B\rangle\}\) are indeed orthogonal and can be normalized to ONB for \(B\)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Every pure bipartite state \(|\psi_{AB}\rangle\) has a canonical/Schmidt decomposition \[|\psi_{AB}\rangle=\sum_k\sqrt{\lambda_k}|k_A\rangle|k_B\rangle\text{ with ONBs }\{|k_A\rangle\}, \{|k_B\rangle\}\]
nonzero eigenvalues of \(\rho_A\) and \(\rho_B\) are always equal because \(|\psi_{AB}\rangle\) is pure.
- 🧐 How are the purifications of the same mixed state related ?
- Purifications of the same state \(\rho_A\) are related by a unitary on the purification syste.
- \[|\psi_{AB}\rangle=(\mathbb{1}_A\otimes U_B)|\psi_{AB}'\rangle\]
⭐️⭐️⭐️ No information without disturbance